KKRN FM, is a volunteer-based, listener-supported radio station fostering positive social change and healthy communities by entertaining, informing and educating through diverse music, culture, news, and public affairs programming.

Piping Hour 03.15.23

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  1. Geoff Jones  Sitting Against a Tree Contemplating Life  2020 
  2. Dr. Jack Taylor & Paul Anderson  Tomb of the Kings  2022 
  3. Leo Rowsome  The Dark, Slender Boy  1961 
  4. John MacFadyen  Flame of Wrath for Squinting Patrick  1973 
  5. Stewart Gaudin   Border Medley  2016 
  6. Matt Turnbull   Iron Man Eric   2008
  7. Iain MacKay  Och nan och tha mi fo mhulad  1995 
  8. Scots Guards Band and PD  World Tour Concert Medley  1972 
  9. James McIntosh  Lament for the Earl of Antrim   1977

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