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#545 Stuart Hamblen & his Music

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OJ-Ears-545     23 Sept 2023

Western Music Time                 


Texas Plains - Roy Rogers w/ Riders in the Sky

Remember Me (I'm the One Who Loves You) - Jimmy Dean

Good Mornin' Y'all - Stuart Hamblen

I Won't Go Huntin' with You Jake (But I'll go chasin' women) - Jimmy Dean 

Blue Bonnets for her Golden Hair - Stuart Hamblen

This Ole House  - Jimmy Dean

My Mary - Stuart Hamblen

Don't Fool Around with Calico, when  You've got Silk at Home - Stuart Hamblen

It is No Secret - Stuart Hamblen'snarration. Song by Roy Rogers & Dale Evans

Getaway Gallop - Riders in the Sky fea Woody Paul 

The Shelter of the Wildwood - Riders in the Sky

Pushin' Horns to Kansas -  Cecil Cravens

Someday Soon - Rebecca Bryant

closing theme

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