KKRN FM, is a volunteer-based, listener-supported radio station fostering positive social change and healthy communities by entertaining, informing and educating through diverse music, culture, news, and public affairs programming.

Piping Hour 01.04.23

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  1. Brad Davidson  The MacDougall's Gathering  2014 
  2. Allan MacDonald  Medley  2001 
  3. Julie Fowlis   Do Calum  2014 
  4. Muirhead & Sons PB  MSR  1967 
  5. Scott Garden  Lament for the Lowland Clearances  2019 
  6. PM DS Ramsay  Jigs  1972 
  7. Callum Beaumont  MSR   2013 
  8. Scots Guards PB  Marches   1911 
  9. John Bottomley  Marquis of Argyle's Salute  2005
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