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Piping Hour 02.14.24

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  • 09-02-20E_Piping_Hour_2.mp3

Episode of the music of the Red Hackle Pipes and Drums and some of its players

  1. Andrew Wright -  Lament for the Rowan Tree 1979
  2. RHPD - Slow Air, Retreat, March  1970 
  3. 227th Argyll PB - MSR 1966 
  4. Roderick MacLeod - Lament for Donald Doughal MacKay 1989 
  5. RHPD - 2/4 Marches  1971 
  6. RHPD - Polkas  1973 
  7. RHPD - Medley  1981 
  8. RHPD - Strathspey & Reels  1973 
  9. Iain MacFadyen - The Old Men of the Shells 1985
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